Balloon Bouquet

A standard bouquet consists of 5 helium filled foil balloons tied in a bouquet with a personalised message on a gift tag.  The balloons can be either specific with age for the main ages (1-10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 & main occasions hen party, baby shower, engagement, wedding, retirement, birth of boy/girl, good luck, new home, congratulations etc.) and are mixed with plain coloured foil balloons of your choosing.

Cost for a 5-balloon bouquet is £20 plus delivery.  For each additional balloon add £4.00, for additional latex balloons add £1.50.

Orders can be placed by WhatsApp to 07776 214179 or by clicking here.

These pictures only represent some of the balloons we offer & may not be the actual ones delivered.